STEPPING OUT! Female Identities in Chinese Contemporary Art
Technische Angaben
21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zur Ausstellung im Museum der Moderne auf dem Mönchsberg 01.04.-25.06.2023.
STEPPING OUT! Female Identities in Chinese Contemporary Art ist seit 25 Jahren die erste Ausstellung, die einen umfassenden Überblick über die Produktion chinesischer Künstlerinnen der Gegenwart gibt. Mit offener und mitunter provozierender Haltung treten sie seit den späten 1980er-Jahren aus dem Schatten ihrer die chinesische Gegenwartskunst bisher dominierenden männlichen Kollegen heraus. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen machtvoller Tradition, parteipolitischer Ideologie und wirtschaftlichem Umbruch untersuchen und dokumentieren 26 ausgewählte Künstlerinnen individuelle und gesellschaftliche Ängste, Widersprüche und Hoffnungen und legen diese oft schonungslos offen.
In der repräsentativen Auswahl finden sich sowohl Pionierinnen als auch junge, hierzulande kaum bekannte Positionen. Ziel des Ausstellungs- und Publikationsprojektes ist es, das eklatante Ungleichgewicht in der Sichtbarkeit weiblicher Künstlerinnen aus China zu korrigieren und auf die enorme Vielfalt und Relevanz ihres künstlerischen Schaffens zu verweisen.
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Girlcoremagazine - 2012 Book
Technische Angaben
52 S., 21x14,6 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-942547161
Broschur, Pogobooks #038
Girlcore is an all-female collective based in London. Originally founded on a desire to promote international female talent in creative industries - Girlcore's resume has grown far and beyond anything originally hoped for. Be it showcasing new DJ's alongside the likes of veterans such as Peaches and Annie Mac, to creating a website dedicated to promoting recent flair in the visual arts. All the work done by the group is a labour of love, each member of the collective having their own careers in the creative industries. This side-project is a way of celebrating the amazing work we encounter along the way.
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Technische Angaben
[44] S., 25,3x17,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, in losem Pappumschlag, zwei verschiedene Papiere, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit Aufklebern
Begleitheft zur Ausstellung "Gasworks Yaoi" vom 26.11.2010 - 23.01.2011 im Gasworks in London.
"Gasworks Yaoi" is the first solo exhibition by Spanish artist Francesc Ruiz in London. The show is the culmination of Ruiz's research in the local area, conducted during his residency at Gasworks. Inspired by the longstanding gay establishments in Vauxhall, the artist has created a semi-fictional narrative that overemphasises the clichés around sexuality and lifestyle in the area.
For "Gasworks Yaoi", Ruiz will transform the front of the gallery into a bookshop specialising in yaoi comic books. Originating in Japan, this genre (translated as 'boys love') depicts male homoerotic narratives. However, unlike male-oriented gay erotica, yaoi comic books are both produced and consumed by women.
The yaoi comics, featured in Ruiz's bookshop at Gasworks are allegedly produced by female amateur illustrators who portray the encounters of a group of men whose nightlives revolve around Vauxhall's sprawling gay club and bar scene. By adopting the yaoi comic format and resorting to female authorship, Ruiz distances himself from the stories and characters he depicts, allowing for the imagination to run wild, indulging in stereotypes and idealised situations. Through the comics' humour and distortion of reality Ruiz gives himself license to explore a specific subculture and the way it sits within the wider fabric of the neighbourhood.
Turned into a specialised comic bookshop for women, Gasworks' space becomes an environment where sexuality, local context and its social dynamics are fictionalised and packaged into a product for consumption.
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Generations - Female Artists in Dialogue
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 18,8x14,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, zwei Blätter lose eingelegt
Die Sammlung Goetz feiert 2018 ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen mit einer 3-teiligen Ausstellung, die sich dem künstlerischen Schaffen von Frauen widmet. Gezeigt werden nahezu 200 Arbeiten angefangen von Zeichnungen, über Fotografien, Gemälde und Skulpturen bis hin zu Filmen und umfangreichen Installationen von mehr als 40 Künstlerinnen in einem generationsübergreifenden Dialog.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, signiert, 5 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Einladungskarten, Infopapiere zur Ausstellung
Zur Ausstellung 31.03.-06.05.2023.
In der Ausstellung „Male Female“ in der Artothek, dem städtischen Kunstraum im Rosental 16, stellt das Künstlerduo Pfeifer & Kreutzer die Frage, ob sich ein Kunstwerk verändert, wenn es durch einen Mann oder eine Frau geschaffen worden wäre. Sie thematisieren damit die unbewusste Voreingenommenheit gegenüber dem gängigen Rollenverständnis. In einer binären Welt, in der das Mann-oder-Frau-Modell vorherrscht, werden Individuen normiert. Als Künstlerduo erleben Anne Pfeifer und Bernhard Kreuzer oft, dass ihre Arbeiten im Hinblick auf ihr Geschlecht als Mann oder Frau beurteilt und bewertet werden. Mit ihrer Kunst möchten sie diese stereotypen Normen aufbrechen und den Blick für diese gesellschaftlichen Denkmuster öffnen.
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Technische Angaben
19x26,5x1,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0969074514
Eingelegtes Kärtchen
Epigraph: Eyes half-closed. Nothing as strong as solace. Do the themes still connect? A Venus day is longer than a Venus year, the National Geographic Society says. A selection was assembled from more than 2000 photographs taken over an eight month period the year before last. Erect walking became necessary when female pre-hominids lost their estrus cycle. The street runs below the window which is above the cinema. Everything in place. Nothing is ever forgotten, only displaced. The planet spins on its axis once every 243 Earth days and orbits the Sun every 224.7 Earth days. Pyramids have always been. What you once thought still holds. The man who invented the first lighthouse perished in his own primitive model. "It was a totally whimsical point. It's inarguable of course. The evidence is all around. The facts are there."
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Die Schönheit der Frauen. Female Beauty. Photographische Freilichtstudien. Studies in the open-air
Technische Angaben
88 S., 27x21,2 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 392883343X
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36 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 225, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Begleitheft zum Seminar an der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien im Wintersemester 2012/13
Beiträge von Ahu Dural, Eva Hettmer, Memo Glitzer Trixi, Mirjam Thomann
Technische Angaben
[10] S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: 20, numeriert, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, auf letzter Seite innen vom Verlag gestempelt. Ein Exemplar handnummeriert.
TD papeles ist ein kleines Verlagsprojekt von Ariadna Serrahima und Enrique Doza, zur Archivierung, zum Sammeln und Bewerben von Publikationen mit sehr kleinen Auflagen, u.a auch von eigenen.
Dieses Heft besteht aus ausgeschnittenen Bildern und Texten aus Zeitungen, die aufgeklebt und anschließend fotokopiert wurden.
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[32] S., 22,3x14,9 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9788494070105
"For me press images are an endless source of material with which to work in one way or another. A long time ago, I realised that, almost unconsciously, I was collecting groups of photographs in a folder without a specific theme. Later on, going through them, I noticed that the female figure was a recurrent subject. I selected them because they caught my attention, they talked to me, or they simply attracted my attention. When I understood that there was that link between them, I felt that maybe there were more images of women than men in the media, so I decided to pick up several newspapers and count their photographs. However, the surprise came when I found that it wasn't like that at all."
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Annegret Soltau - Female Genealogy
Technische Angaben
24 S., 10x11 cm, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, signiert
Anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Stafan Stux Gallery, New York, Dezember 1999 bis Januar 2000
Technische Angaben
[192] S., 23,5x23,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780957261051
Fadengeheftet, Hardcover, Cover beidseitig geprägt und Banderole
This volume is the lasting legacy of Elvgren’s slide collection. It helps us build a more complete picture of his artistic process and it offers a valuable insight into the development of glamour photography. However, the lasting impression of the collection is of a man who loved and appreciated the female form. Its real beauty and impact lies in the knowledge that one of the greatest masters of the illustrated pin-up took his inspiration from the very real flesh of womanly curves in all of their natural glory.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fabio Bacchini was born in Italy and studies Communication and Design for Publishing at the ISIA Urbino. His main profession is graphic design but he is also passionate about illustration, especially the erotic one. His goal is to convey the sensuality of the female body through the use of lines only.
MONO.KULTUR #39 Terre Thaemlitz - The Arrogance of Optimism
Technische Angaben
48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
Drahtheftung, auf verschiedenem Papier gedruckt, von rechts nach links zu lesen
Politics and the dance floor make for uneasy bedfellows, and it is this uneasiness that drives most of the work of Terre Thaemlitz, confronting head-on issues that are usually off limits in electronic music. Thaemlitz is a producer and DJ, also known under their monikers of DJ Sprinkles, Social Material, and K-S.H.E, among others. But they are also a writer, educator and activist of sorts, with very fluid notions of gender, switching continuously between male and female drag. Born in 1968, Terre Thaemlitz left the rigidly conservative and violently homophobic environment of their home state, Missouri, in the mid-1980s for New York. They became involved in the queer and transgender scenes both socially and musically at a time when house music was not a genre but simply the wide open sound of a specific social and political space. As New York’s underground queer music scenes dissolved under gentrification, Thaemlitz eventually relocated to Tokyo at the beginning of the ’00s. In a challenging interview with mono.kultur, Terre Thaemlitz talked about the politics of sexuality, his disillusion with the music industry, and why roller disco was so amazing. Visually, the issue is a dark affair, steeped in a dirty, gritty black. Printed on no less than six different paper stocks and juxtaposing several grids and graphic systems, it creates its own visual logic – only to disturb our most fundamental habits of reading and navigating a magazine by opening backwards, from right to left.
Text von der Website.
Selected works from 1990's
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[32] S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
The William Crawford Estate is owned and represented by Ampersand Gallery. William Crawford's drawings were discovered in an abandoned house in Oakland, California. His work brings to mind characteristics of prison drawings, an impression confirmed by the fact that several were made on the backs of prison roster sheets dated 1997. These printouts, however, were cut down the middle, so the exact prison from which they originate is unknown. But given their origin in the Bay Area and the fact that several drawings include San Francisco landmarks, it's possible that Crawford made the work in a California state prison. Other than this information drawn from the archive itself, nothing is known about Crawford's life. Indeed, we only know his name because he signed just a few of the drawings, either as Bill, William or WM Crawford. The archive appears to have consisted of several books, with individual drawings in sequences of 30 or more adding up to tell complex visual stories. Several include written captions or fragments of conversation between male and female characters. These sequences, however, have been broken up over the years and reach us now in a fragmentary and fascinating collection of hundreds of delicate pencil drawings. The work conveys the intense sense of sexual longing of a man with an urge to tell dynamic stories. The drawings, which resemble the eroticism of Eric Stanton, the exaggerated male anatomy of Tom of Finland or the ample breasts of a John Currin, show scantily dressed women, drug use, cuckolding and orgies. The details of his interiors, the hairdos and style of dress suggest that Crawford might have come of age in the late 70s or early 80s. A cast of recurring figures populate the drawings, notably one man with a short afro and a moustache who often figures at the center of events, presumably the artist William Crawford himself. Remarkably, given the number of drawings, there is little to no repetition in the work. Crawford’s inventive eye for sexual positions, facial expressions and gestures of hand and body was vast and masterful. Simple geometric details and architectural subtleties define the unusual settings where the action unfolds. We see rooms shown from unusual angles, features that are hinted at, erased or altogether omitted and articles of clothing that are drawn with obsessive precision. This singular and original drawing style compels us to immerse ourselves in the world William Crawford created, more dream than documentation, more fantasy than perversion. Crawford's drawings have been widely exhibited, notably at Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne and Berlin), Zieher, Smith and Horton (New York), Freddy (Baltimore) and upcoming solo exhibitions at FARAGO (Los Angeles) and Richardson (New York). His work is also featured in the latest issue of Richardson Magazine and was included in "System and Vision" at David Zwirner, an exhibition organized in collaboration with Delmes & Zander. Reviewing it, The New Yorker wrote, "William Crawford's orgiastic illustrations on the backs of prison rosters haven an erotic intensity that rivals anything by Hans Bellmer or Pierre Klossowski."
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ruine 06 - The Görli From Ipanema (and other texts)
Technische Angaben
36 S., 21,6x15,3 cm, Auflage: 90, numeriert, 3 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-947250196
2 auf farbige Papiere fotokopierte Hefte, Drahtheftung, ineinander gesteckt, zusammen in gefaltetem Blatt A3 mit Prägedrucken
Zum Release und zur performativen Lesung im Café Bellevue de Monaco in München am 06.12.2018 um 19 Uhr.
Adelaide Ivánova (1982, Recife/Brazil) is a journalist and political activist working with poetry, photography, performance, translation and publishing. Her poems were translated into German, Galician, English, Spanish, Greek and Italian. Her texts and photographic work were printed in publications such as The Huffington Post (USA), Marie Claire (BR), Clinic (UK), alba londres (UK), Lateinamerika Nachrichten (GER), artiCHOKE (GER), modern poetry in translation (UK). Her photo reportage are part of the collection of Kunst Museum Dieselkraftwerk (Germany), L’arthotèque – Museum of Fine Arts (France) and Galeria Murilo Castro (Brazil). She edits the anarco-feminist zine “MAIS PORNÔ, PVFR!” (proudly not online) and is co-founder of RESPEITA!, a coalition of Brazilian female poets and slammers. She lives in Berlin, where she tries earn a living as baby-sitter, life model, waiter and other alienating jobs.
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Technische Angaben
[42] S., 28,9x22,2 cm, Auflage: 200, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fadenheftung, sechsfarbiger Risographie, letzte Seite ausklappbar
Rage, Heal, Root, Grow is a celebration of the chaos and complexity of life and one person’s process of adapting to it. Johnson’s postpartum years were challenging. She was fearful of what she saw happening—that she was disappearing as her male partner was becoming more visible. She struggled to find the time and space necessary to heal her body, and to reconcile the intense inequity of a child-rearing partnership when one partner (her) was nursing. A unique postpartum tale that refuses the female body as its central character. In its place: that body’s voice, and the bespoke flotsam of daily life.
Rage, Heal, Root, Grow was created on a shared Risograph duplicator over many months while Johnson’s child slept in a stroller nearby. She scanned and printed drawings they had made together with markers, watercolors, crayons, pencils, and lots of stamps into symphonic six-color prints. A narrative text describes her experience of raging, healing, rooting herself, and subsequently growing in a new direction.
Ausstellungen Veranstaltungen Februar März April Mai 2023
Technische Angaben
36 S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Programm des Museums am Mönchsberg und in der Altstadt (Rupertinum): Foto- und Skulpturenausstellungen, Medien, Installationen, queer-feministische Zines, weibliche Identität in der chinesischen aktuellen Kunst
La Dame á Sa Toilette - The Ideal Female Beauty and Its Material Culture in Sixteenth Century France
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 14,6x10,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Karte mit Abbildungen eingelegt.
Ein Essay von Lorenza Gay, in dem sie anhand von verschiedener Gemälde aus dem 16. Jahrhundert in Frankreich über das in den Bildern vermittelte Schönheitsideal schreibt und die Frauengemälde analysiert.
Technische Angaben
40 S., 47x31,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zeitung, Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Die Publikation erschien anlässlich des Festivals M_Dokumente vom 21.10-24.10.2021 im Silent Green in Berlin. Das Projekt M_Dokumente nimmt die explizit weibliche Sichtweise der All Female Bands Mania D., Malaria! und Matador auf die West-Berliner Musik- und Kunstszene der späten 1970er und 1980er Jahre mit einem langen Festivalwochenende in den Fokus.
Die drei Bands um Beate Bartel, Bettina Köster und Gudrun Gut spielten ab 1979 in unterschiedlicher Zusammensetzung Konzerte, veröffentlichten Platten und tourten um die ganze Welt. Herausstechend und neu war vor allem das selbstbestimmte Auftreten der Musikerinnen, das sich sowohl in der Musik und den Texten, aber auch in ihrem einzigartigen Stil und dem genreübergreifenden Ansatz „Mehr Kunst in die Musik, mehr Musik in die Kunst“ wiederfand. Bis heute gelten die Bands als visionär, sie prägten ein neues Frauenbild in der Popkultur und sind Vorreiterinnen und Vorbild für die nach wie vor wichtige und notwendige emanzipatorische Bewegung in der Musikbranche, weit über die Grenzen Berlins hinaus.
Technische Angaben
32 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur / Din A4
Ausstellungspublikation zur Ausstellung "Manchmal fällt es schwerer, Fleisch zu verdauen als es zu beschaffen" in der Galerie Cornelius Hertz, Bremen 1996 im Rahmen des Projekts "female coalities".