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Gesucht wurde Independent Collectors, Medienart , Sortierung DatensatzNr., aufsteigend.
Alle Suchbegriffe sind in allen Ergebnissen enthalten: 2 Treffer

 Hinweise zum Copyright und ServiceAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • der vierte BMW Art Guide Independent Collectors - BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors - der globale Führer zu privaten Sammlungen zeitgenössischer Kunst
Ort Land

  • 256 S., 18,512,1 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-775741446
    Klappbroschur, Lesezeichen
  • The fourth edition of the BMW Art Guide by Independent Collectors presents 256 private yet publicly accessible collections of contemporary art — featuring large and small, famous and the relatively unknown. Succinct portraits of the collections with color photographs take the reader to forty-three countries and 180 cities, often to regions that are off the beaten path.
    Text von der Webseite

  • OFF-Biennale Budapest - Call for contributions to map artistic/curatorial self-organizations worldwide
Verlag Jahr
Ort Land

  • 2 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Ausdruck einer Email vom 28.2.2015
  • Independent. Contemporary. Art. 24 April – 31 May 2015.
    OFF-Biennale Budapest is a series of exhibitions and art events in and beyond the city of Budapest. Its concept is different from traditional biennials as we know them. Not affiliated with any institution, it is a voluntary collaborative initiative of artists, groups of artists, curators, art managers, gallerists and collectors. OFF-Biennale Budapest is a civil initiative, whose aim is to bring a segment of culture, contemporary art, closer to the public at large. OFF proclaims the importance of independent thinking and action, breaking away from clichés and habitual routines. It is meant to demonstrate that contemporary art can foster and catalyse this kind of activity – in other words, that contemporary art is much more than mere luxury and a source of aesthetic pleasure.
    Text von der Webseite

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