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Gesucht wurde Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Medienart , Sortierung DatensatzNr., aufsteigend.
Alle Suchbegriffe sind in allen Ergebnissen enthalten: 2 Treffer

 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

Naprushkina Marina: the convincing victory - two stories on what really happened, 2011

  • the convincing victory - two stories on what really happened
Ort Land

  • [12] S., 51x26 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Blätter, lose ineinander gelegt, Druck in ROT und SCHWARZ
  • The Office for Anti-Propaganda was founded by Marina Naprushkina in 2007.
    Started as an archive on political propaganda with the focus on Belarus the „The Office for Anti-Propaganda“ drifted to a political platform. In cooperation with activists and cultural makers Office lounges and supports political campaigns, social projects, organizes protest actions, and publishes underground newspapers.
    The emphasis lies on projects which work outside the white cube and has social and political relevance. The 16-page newspaper-size novel illustrates the events which happened in Belarus during 2010 Presidential Elections. This is a story about the elections and, in particular, of the day and night of December 19, when the citizens’ peaceful demonstration against falsified elections was brutally suppressed by the police. The novel presents two views on the developments in parallel. The first one shows how the events are interpreted by the state regime and currently widely publicized by state-run newspapers and television. The other version was assembled from information presented by independent media, which for the most part can exist only in the Internet, i.e. blogs, oppositional websites, users’ comments, testimonies of victims and political activists.
    Text von der Website
    Mit Untzerstützung der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung und der Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
Geschenk von

  • objekte - projekte
Ort Land

  • 27,8x27,8 cm, Auflage: 400, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Erworben bei Buchhandlung Goltz

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