Technische Angaben
[72] S., 30,7x24,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-865216168
Broschur mit aufklappbarem Schutzumschlag,
Schorr then draws from professional reportage pictures, so as to describe, literally sketch out, one monumental trip from Queens to Vietnam and back. These drawings are contrasted by reproductions of vintage car magazine articles and Schorr's own photograph portraits. There I Was is a complex and multi-faceted look at escape, culture, dreams and mortality, conjuring up an expressionistic portrait of the dichotomies of the late 1960s in a fractured wartime America. Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
40 S., 28,5x20,5 cm, Auflage: 2.600, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 20148542
Drahtheftung, Fanzine Deluxe Limited Edition Number
This is an innovating project with personality..!
Box1466 concept is directly related to new tendencies, being music and visual arts in general the leitmotiv of each issue.
Photography, music, fashion, illustration, drawing, words and fantasies…!
Seeing, looking, reading, watching, listening..
Thanks to all those QR codes you will find in the magazine, you will be directly guided to more information online..!
The new concept of Box1466 is in its interactivity, that made it totally fresh and different to any other publication.
A new endless way to discover, to learn, to find out..
The aim of Box1466 is to transmit and divulge from an original point of view, its contents of interviews and visual proposal of fashion.
Box1466 is an Arty numbered deluxe limited edition independent publication.
Text von der Webseite und facebook
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