Boletim, No. 1 - Arquitectura - Architecture
Technische Angaben
47 S., 21,8x14,5 cm, Auflage: 200, ISBN/ISSN 9788494070129
Following the example of French and British railway companies, C.P. (Portuguese Railways) built houses and social facilities between 1910-20, to support its employees and their families. Key projects implemented during the first quarter of the twentieth century included the Boneca neighbourhood, for retired railway workers, and the Vila Verde neighbourhood, in the alignment of the Bairro Camões neighbourhood. The latter was built in 1926 designed by Cottinelli Telmo and Luís da Cunha. All these neighbourhoods are located in the city of Entroncamento. The city itself was created because of the railways. The station was the first dwelling - at the time a small tent (1862). This new venture provoked major migration from the interior of Portugal, of those who wanted to work for the Company. As a consequence, C.P. (Portuguese Railways) developed a plan, involving a series of ambitious social support structures, perhaps unique at the national level. The company built neighbourhoods for employees, a school, a supplies warehouse, an anti-tuberculosis dispensary that operated as a health centre and also encouraged the development of sporting activities. In parallel with technological evolution and development of railway activities, the workshop area was expanded, included reinforced staff training, which reached a peak when a training centre was built, that is today called FERNAVE, house in a huge building, built from scratch for these functions and which formerly housed the Instituto Superior de Transportes (Higher Transport Institute).
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[6] S., 14,8x10,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Ein Blatt, mehrfach gefaltet, beidseitig bedruckt
Zur Ausstellung bei Z Common Ground 30.04.-02.06.2019.
The Neoist Network's First European Training Camp
Technische Angaben
[72] S., 29,5x21 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dokumentation zum 1. Festival 21.-27.06.1982 im Studio von Peter Below in Würzburg
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signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Fotokopiertes Buch zum Film
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signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Buch, Karten, Musikkassette, Originalfoto zum Film in Box
Technische Angaben
signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
geheftete fotokopierte Blätter, zum Film
dOCUMENTA(13), 100 Gedanken - Nr. 043 Das Begrüßungskomitee berichtet ...
Technische Angaben
24 S., 24,4x17,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-775728928
aus der Reihe 100 Gedanken zur dOCUMENTA (13), Drahtheftung,
In diesem Notizbuch diskutieren die Künstlerin Ana Prvacki und die Wissenschaftlerin Irina Aristarkhova über das gesellschaftliche Konzept des Begrüßens sowie über die Gesten und die Ethik von Gastfreundschaft. Als Künstlerin mit rumänischen Wurzeln berichtet Prvacki von der Großherzigkeit ihrer Großmutter auch in schlechten Zeiten und ihr kindliches Fehlverhalten, als sie einem Gast, den sie nicht mochte, Schnee in die Stiefel steckte. Aus ihrer persönlichen Herangehensweise an Höflichkeitsregeln entwickelt Prvacki eine historische Übersicht über unterschiedliche künstlerische und politische Praktiken der Gastfreundlichkeit, beginnend bei Borats Fauxpas über das Singapore Kindness Movement bis zu Daniel Bozhkovs Training in Assertive Hospitality-Projekt. Aristarkhova fügt einen theoretischen Rahmen zur Geschichte und Ethik der Gastlichkeit hinzu, die von Immanuel Kant und seinem Konzept der "Zuvorkommenheit" bis hin zu leuchtenden Beispielen wie Gandhi, Mutter Theresa und Martin Luther King reicht.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
9,3x13,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
2 S., 14,8x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
The project Gaudeamus igitur: self-organized artist in the state of domestic agoraphobia is an artist’s book titled Gaudeamus igitur and edited in limited edition. A public lecture that presents the work will be a part of the project. The artist’s book consists of photos depicting piles and floors, in general from all the institutions the artist has passed through in the process of becoming a self-organized individual-artist who constitutes her own artistic practice. The following text in the book is a popular academic song mainly performed at university/school graduation ceremonies – Gaudeamus igitur. The project thereby questions the role of (educational) institutions in the age of self-organization in art.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
16 S., 21,6x14 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Mehrere Blätter lose in farbigen Umschlag,
Das Pseudonym Nick L. Nips wird von John M. Bennett benutzt
Technische Angaben
1 S., 21x29,7 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Fotokopien auf rotes und grünes Papier
Zur Filmmultivision - Installation - Bilder
Permium Discount b(u)y Kitti & Joy
Technische Angaben
208 S., 24x17 cm, Auflage: 500, 6 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 978-3-947250158
Broschur, rückwärtig beigelegt ein gefaltetes Plakat, 3-4 kleine Kärtchen, 1 Postkarte, alles in verschließbarer transparenter Kunststoffhülle
Erschienen zur Ausstellung DebutantInnen 2018 in der Galerie der Künstler, München am 06.09.2018.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Born in Worms on the Rhine. At the age of 15 he started a vocational education as a shop window dresser, afterwards he studied graphic design and film. But mainly he was influenced by his jobs as a swing boat brakeman, tobacco- and spirit dealer and assembly line worker. A belly-dance course taken as part of his football training gave further direction to his life. Finally, the only thing he was ever really interested in was girls wearing black underwear.
OR #004 - For Sale: Emotional Training & Meditation
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 10,8x8,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, gedruckt auf farbigem Papier
Heft Nummer 04 zusammengestellt von Steven Durland
You're my type - Programmbuch 2018
Technische Angaben
20,5x13,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
4 Bände in Schuber. Schuber geprägt in Gold und Schwarz, Rückseite mit Umkehr der Farben. einzelne Cover mit Reliefprägung, geometrische Formen, Farbschnitt schwarz. Einzelne Bände in Schweizer Broschur (Umschlag nur auf Rückseite angeklebt, Rücken mit Gewebestreifen eingefasst). Bd. 1 130 S., letzte Seite mit Kalender als Fold-Out. Bd. 2 160 S., Bd. 3 96 S., Bd. 4 Blindband, (Notizbuch), 72 S.
The Typographic Society Munich is the largest organisation in Europe for typographers and people who are interested in typography and design. Since being founded in 1874 the designers’ club establishes a foundation for sophisticated and interdisciplinary thinking and dialogues among content and form, text and photo, tradition and innovation, design and technology. The tgm represents quality and education for the branch of communication and offers a huge accompanying training program. As Chairwoman of the club I curated several lectures in the last years, inviting design and typography celebrities.Throughout the years designers like Stefan Sagmeister, Mirko Borsche, Eike König, Mario Lombardo, Sascha Lobe, Fons Hickmann, Amir Kassaei or Kurt Weidemann to name a view, followed these invitations and appreciated the warm welcome of our community.
To show the wide range of offerings we traditionally create a yearbook. More over I tried to give the content based complexity of our proposal a clear and neat arrangement. Therefore the new release is a compilation of four different books, which should invite the reader to inform themselves, to browse, to experience and to participate. The first one exposes all the topics, facts and dates for the further education programs. Part two presents all the people and their stories who are involved in the club, who are on stage and behind the scenes. The third book is a journey into the past and also the future of tgm’s conferences, excursions and other specials. And finally there is room for the reader’s own ideas, experiences and criticism as a foundation for a future dialogue with tgm.
Every offer under the roof of tgm is a result of solidarity. It is a result of people and companies who are united by the common interest in typographic quality. This project has only been possible with the support of Kösel Druck GmbH & Co Kg, Geese Paper, mycolorserver and the collaboration with Boah Kim.
Text von der Webseite
New York City Dance Guide - Tanz-Reiseführer
Technische Angaben
168 S., 21x14,8 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 3928804901
Mit allgemeinen Tipps, Wohnmöglichkeiten, Adressen von Tanzschulen und Compagnien, Universitäten, Theatern, Ballet, alles was sonst noch mit Theater zu tun hat, Körpertherapie, Medizinische Hilfe, Einkaufen, Bibliotheken, Literatur, allgemeine Touristeninformationen und Hinweise zur Sicherheit
Technische Angaben
106 S., Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 010 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Leo-Leander Namislow, born in 1983 in Essen, lives and works as a freelance artist in Essen. Growing up in a rural environment in Rhineland-Palatinate, he started to creatively engage with his surroundings early on. After his training
as a stonemason, Leo worked for an animation company in Frankfurt. When he moved back to Essen in 2007 he eventually started living off his creative output. Since then he has had several solo exhibitions and took part in
many group shows in a variety of institutions such as the Kunstverein Essen-Werden. His works fascinate by opening up new fantastic worlds to the viewer on the one hand and by proving of a large multiplicity of techniques on the other hand. This book gives an insight into a sample, mainly comprised of black and white works, of a much larger, colourful and ever increasing artistic universe.