Technische Angaben
7,5x7,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
MOON NOT WAR (founded in February 2018) are Anna McCarthy, Antenne Danger, Ruben Granados-Hughes and Shino Plum. In M.N.W McCarthy writes and sings texts about borderline sexual experiences accompanied by a humming and creaky bass, while Danger‘s hypnotic choral singing with an epic keyboard sound reminds of Morricone and Beak, Granados hits the drums as if it was a piece of meat and Plum underscores it all with minimal guitar, giving goose bumps.
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Technische Angaben
29,7x21 cm, 4 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Infoblatt, Aufkleber und Hygienemaske für VR-Brille
Virtual Reality, Installation und Live Acts im Rahmen von FREISPIEL im Rosa Stern Space 25.05.-22.06.2022
We are happy to announce the fourth edition of FREISPIEL: a series of short-term residencies and presentations by (inter)national artists dealing with issues of cultural orders and their aesthetic and socio-political influences in our future-driven present. Our next guests will be Munich based artists Barbara Herold feat. Kim Twiddle LIVE with the synaesthetic challenge PARCOUR – suspend traditional patterns of perception, explore visual borderline experiences and enable a new transcendental seeing while generating surreal soundscapes! In her artistic practice, Barbara Herold explores playful systems in the threshold space of the real and the digital and develops interactive AR and VR worlds that can be physically experienced in the overlapping of the virtual and the real. In collaboration with e-composer Kim Twiddle, Barbara Herold developed the colour-form-music composer PARCOUR, a VR experiment on „Neues Sehen" (according to W. Benjamin). Through optical abstraction, stereoscopic overlays and interactive sound modulation, retro video game landscapes become an aesthetic sensual and new consciousness experience.
PARCOUR will be premiered at Rosa Stern Space. The VR will be graphically extended into the physical space, accessible via a gate. Kim Twiddle will realize electronic live acts and a sound installation based on sound material generated by VR users at Rosa Stern Space and other venues – PARCOUR on tour (tba)...
Barbara Herold, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2022
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