_957 Independent Art Magazine #049 STAFF ONLY
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,5x21 cm, 2 Teile. ISBN/ISSN 2296-3057
Drahtheftung, rückseitig mit Klappumschlag, Digitaldruck 4c, beigelegt Abonnement-Karte
In STAFF ONLY ist das SITE, eine Institution für zeitgenössische Kunst in Santa Fe (New Mexico), im Vordergrund. Aber nicht die Ausstellungen sind zu finden, sondern der Mitarbeitereingang. Dieser und seine Umgebung wurden aus diversen Perspektiven und mit einem Auge fürs Detail festgehalten und zeigt damit einen Teil des Gebäudes, das dem Durchschnittsbesucher vermutlich unbekannt ist.
ABZ: More Alphabets and Other Signs
Technische Angaben
224 S., 29,7x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-870003339
Hardcover, Ecken abgerundet
ABZ presents a fabulous collection of complete alphabets, emblems, logos, letters and signs, together with stunning graphics from classic modernist books and magazines, and from obscure professional manuals.. Drawn from collections, many of them private, in London, Paris, Amsterdam, New York and Mexico, most of this fascinating, rare and beautiful material is reproduced for the first time since its original publication
Technische Angaben
80 S., 37x27,8 cm, Auflage: 210.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, teilweise farbige Abbildungen, 8-seitige Übersetzung auf Deutsch beigelegt
Schwerpunkt der Ausgabe zum Thema Masks of Mexico
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 28x21 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-943514292
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-weiß Illustrationen
The Coloring Book by Dr. Lakra is the first BOM DIA KINDER book, a new series of children books made by artists. Dr. Lakra is a Mexican artist living in Oaxaca, Mexico. The images compiled inside this coloring book come from various references, inspirations, as well as drafts for the tattoos that Dr. Lakra has made, or wishes he’d made over the years. This is an insight into the world of Dr. Lakra, where many of the interests present in his work collide. ancient mythologies, punk rock fanzines, classic tattoo designs, popular culture icons, Japanese monsters, animal illustrations etc.
Text von der Website.
Nothing tastes quite like it
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Simon Lohmeyer was born and raised in Munich. After he finished school he worked as an self-employed photographer in Cape Town, New York, Mexico, London, Mailand, Paris and Sydney. Since 2015 Simon is lifestyle photographer and blogger for GQ.

Technische Angaben
146 S., 17,8x12,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781604860917
Signal is an ongoing book series dedicated to documenting and sharing compelling graphics, art projects, and cultural movements of international resistance and liberation struggles. Artists and cultural workers have been at the center of upheavals and revolts the world over, from the painters and poets in the Paris Commune to the poster makers and street theatre performers of the recent Occupy movement. Signal will bring these artists and their work to a new audience, digging deep through our common history to unearth their images and stories. Signal 01 includes: The Future of Xicana Printmaking: Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee interview the Taller Tupac Amaru (Favianna Rodriguez, Melanie Cervantes, and Jesus Barraza), The Adventures of Red Rat: Alec Dunn interviews Johannes van de Weert, Hard Travelin’: A photo essay with IMPEACH, Early 20th-Century Anarchist Imprints, Mexico 68: The Graphic Production of a Movement: Santiago Armengod interviews Felipe Hernandez Moreno, Adventure Playgrounds: A photo essay, Designing Anarchy: Dan Poyner interviews Rufus Segar.
Text von der Website.
Technische Angaben
178 S., 17,8x12,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9781629633879
Highlights of the sixth volume of Signal include: Basement Workshop: The Genesis of New York’s Asian American Resistance Culture, Jamaa Al-Yad: An Interview with Daniel Drennan ElAwar, La Escuela de Cultura Popular Revolucionaria Mártires del 68: Thirty Years of Collective Agitation in Mexico City, The Appalachian Movement Press, Adhesing Uprisings, and much more.
Text von der Website.
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