Technische Angaben
192 S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 3901109013
Katalog im Rahmen der Ausstellung Aura Industrie - homemade style vom 26.10.–24.11.2002 von Brigitte Franzen und Martin Schmidl im Forum Stadtpark Graz zum Steirischen Herbst 2002.
Aura Industrie – homemade style hat seinen Ausgangspunkt in einer Sammlung von Flyern, Broschüren und Copypostern aus der Esoterikszene. Sie wurden im Laufe der letzten zehn Jahre auf der Straße, in Esoterik-Buchhandlungen und auf Messen zusammengetragen. Die Kleinposter und Faltblätter sind Ankündigungen für Seminare und Vortragsveranstaltungen, die seelische oder körperliche Heilung bzw. Vervollkommnung und Zugang zu auratischen Erfahrungen in Aussicht stellen. Die Installation im Forum Stadtpark kombiniert Bild- und Textzitate aus diesem Fundus mit Photographien aus der Szene und spitzt die dem Material innewohnende Kohärenz der Selbstdarstellung und Abgründigkeit des Selbstgebastelten zu.
Text von der Webseite
The Face - Preisliste, AGB
Technische Angaben
6 S., 29,7x21 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Inkjetausdrucke nach PDFs von der Webseite
Preisliste für Style-Preis in € (Bildbearbeitung), Fragen und Antworten zum Serviceumfang, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
The Face wurde 1980 von Nick Logan in London gegründet und ist das ursprüngliche, maßgebliche Stilmagazin.
Von Anfang an war es ein kultureller Wegbereiter, der über Musik, Mode, Film, Fernsehen, Gesellschaft, Politik und das Weltgeschehen berichtete. Und es berichtete darüber mit Erfindungsreichtum, Innovation, Witz und Klasse - und nicht zuletzt mit bahnbrechendem Grafikdesign.
Die Galerie der Coverstars ist ebenso eklektisch wie ikonisch: von Kate Moss bis Alexander McQueen, New Order bis The Stone Roses, Grace Jones bis David Beckham, Beyoncé bis Björk. Auch das Talent hinter den Geschichten war legendär, denn das Magazin arbeitete mit den besten Autoren, Fotografen, Stylisten und Designern der Welt zusammen. The Face hat nicht nur über die Kultur berichtet. Es wurde zur Kultur. Über 25 Jahre lang war The Face das Herzstück der britischen und internationalen Kreativität.
Text von der Webseite, übersetzt mit DeepL
Selected works from 1990's
Technische Angaben
[32] S., 19x13 cm, Auflage: 500, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Schwarz-Weiss Offsetdruck
The William Crawford Estate is owned and represented by Ampersand Gallery. William Crawford's drawings were discovered in an abandoned house in Oakland, California. His work brings to mind characteristics of prison drawings, an impression confirmed by the fact that several were made on the backs of prison roster sheets dated 1997. These printouts, however, were cut down the middle, so the exact prison from which they originate is unknown. But given their origin in the Bay Area and the fact that several drawings include San Francisco landmarks, it's possible that Crawford made the work in a California state prison. Other than this information drawn from the archive itself, nothing is known about Crawford's life. Indeed, we only know his name because he signed just a few of the drawings, either as Bill, William or WM Crawford. The archive appears to have consisted of several books, with individual drawings in sequences of 30 or more adding up to tell complex visual stories. Several include written captions or fragments of conversation between male and female characters. These sequences, however, have been broken up over the years and reach us now in a fragmentary and fascinating collection of hundreds of delicate pencil drawings. The work conveys the intense sense of sexual longing of a man with an urge to tell dynamic stories. The drawings, which resemble the eroticism of Eric Stanton, the exaggerated male anatomy of Tom of Finland or the ample breasts of a John Currin, show scantily dressed women, drug use, cuckolding and orgies. The details of his interiors, the hairdos and style of dress suggest that Crawford might have come of age in the late 70s or early 80s. A cast of recurring figures populate the drawings, notably one man with a short afro and a moustache who often figures at the center of events, presumably the artist William Crawford himself. Remarkably, given the number of drawings, there is little to no repetition in the work. Crawford’s inventive eye for sexual positions, facial expressions and gestures of hand and body was vast and masterful. Simple geometric details and architectural subtleties define the unusual settings where the action unfolds. We see rooms shown from unusual angles, features that are hinted at, erased or altogether omitted and articles of clothing that are drawn with obsessive precision. This singular and original drawing style compels us to immerse ourselves in the world William Crawford created, more dream than documentation, more fantasy than perversion. Crawford's drawings have been widely exhibited, notably at Galerie Susanne Zander (Cologne and Berlin), Zieher, Smith and Horton (New York), Freddy (Baltimore) and upcoming solo exhibitions at FARAGO (Los Angeles) and Richardson (New York). His work is also featured in the latest issue of Richardson Magazine and was included in "System and Vision" at David Zwirner, an exhibition organized in collaboration with Delmes & Zander. Reviewing it, The New Yorker wrote, "William Crawford's orgiastic illustrations on the backs of prison rosters haven an erotic intensity that rivals anything by Hans Bellmer or Pierre Klossowski."
Text von der Webseite
Style & the Family Tunes Nr. 075 Oktober 2004
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
42x29,7 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 01746944
- Heft 10 2010 - cubes and clouds
Technische Angaben
16 S., 15x10 cm, Auflage: 1.000, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-923205-370
Das Heft erscheint anlässlich der Veranstaltung Die Grammatik des Buches in München im Oktober 2010, zur Ausstellung von Künstlerzeitschriften und Life-Style-Magazinen ab 2000, im Archive Artist Publications im Kunstareal.
Porträts von Fußballspielern der 13. Fußball-Europameisterschaft (offiziell UEFA EURO 2008). Screenshots der fehlerhaften Übertragungen der Spiele im Internet. Beispiele von Ästhetik des Ausnahmezustands. Mit einem Wittgenstein-Zitat
Technische Angaben
12,5x12,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
CD (Compilation) in Papierhülle. 16 Stücke
Genre: Electronic, Hip Hop, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Downtempo, Ambient, Acid
Compiled By – Imrich Végh, Mastered By – C-Drík
Sold as part of magazine Vlna 53/2013
Technische Angaben
[44] S., 20,5x12,8 cm, Auflage: 500, numeriert, ISBN/ISSN 978-2-953792607
Fadenheftung, Leinenumschlag, Cover betitelt mit Aufkleber
Dans « Today I wrote nothing » Natalie Czech se réfère à une page du journal de l’écrivain et poète d’avant garde russe Daniil Charms (1905-1942) auteur de nouvelles très courtes aussi absurdes qu’étranges, dans un style proche du surréalisme et du dadaïsme. Il est rapidement stigmatisé comme auteur « antisoviétique » du fait des multiples interprétations possibles de ses écrits. Il se tourne alors vers l’écriture de livres pour enfants. Il décède en 1942 lors du siège de Leningrad, dans un hôpital psychiatrique où il avait été interné de force par le pouvoir stalinien au motif de son « étrangeté ». Ses manuscrits seront publiés à l’Ouest au cours des années 60 et sous forme de samizdat en U.R.S.S.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
10,3x12,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
farbiger Linolschnitt auf orangen Karton. Rückseitig handschriftliche Vermerke
Gurdan Thomas is known for its imaginative music and storytelling. The lyrics are inspired by philosophy and the human condition, delivered in an acoustic folkpop style with a theatrical sprinkling and a good dose of barefoot dancing. The multi-instrumental collective is led by an English composer-songwriter based in Munich and Birmingham.
Text von der Webseite
Raymond Pettibon in his inimitable style invites you to join us as a Printed Matter Member
Technische Angaben
12,7x17 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
GC Glamcult 2015-Issue 2 - Independent Style Paper - Once you label me, you negate me
Technische Angaben
62 S., 38,7x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18741932
GC Glamcult 2015-Issue 3 - Independent Style Paper - All love's legal
Technische Angaben
54 S., 38,7x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18741932
Technische Angaben
90 S., 43x28,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-863356798
90 lose ineinandergelegte Seiten mit 45 farbigen Abbildungen
Herausgegeben von Alice Dusapin & Christophe Daviet-Thery. Beiträge von Steve Roden & Oscar Tuazon.
Allan Kaprow is considered to be the founding father of the Happening, of Environments and Activities: terms that he continued to redefine throughout his career. With a wide selection of images, this publication documents Kaprow's posters, a lesser-known side of his work, produced between 1953 fand 1996. Most of these posters were designed by Allan Kaprow and are characterized by their aesthetic quality, the earliest ones in particular a combination of hand-lettered text and drawings and the later ones of photographs and typographic text in a minimalist style. More than merely advertising Happenings or Activities, these posters act as scores/tools for the participants to the Happenings and as everyday objects that blur the boundaries between art and life.
Text von der Webseite
The Economist 1943 Issue 01
Technische Angaben
130 S., 27,5x20,2 cm, ISBN/ISSN 23972238
The launch issue hits newsstands on March 9 with an April/May cover, and will have 120 pages. The redesigned site will go live, without a paywall, on March 7, the same day that the social accounts and the app will revert from Intelligent Life to 1843. 1843 will, like Intelligent Life before it, publish six issues a year.
Newly appointed editor Emma Duncan has come on board from The Economist where she was deputy editor. At 1843, she leads a team of 25 across editorial and commercial, and also can pull on the wider global Economist team.
Text von der Webseite
A new magazine of ideas, lifestyle and culture
Technische Angaben
[12] S., 27,4x10,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt, im blauen Pappumschlag mit betitelnden Sticker auf Vorderseite und Blindprägung auf Rückseite, in bedrucktem Briefumschlag
In 1926 Max Ernst published a portfolio of prints entitled 'Histoire Naturelle’ (34 collotypes published by J. Bucher, with an introduction by Hans Arp) which were based on experiments using the technique of frottage (or rubbing) and depict a kind of mysterious, natural world of strange and fantastic landscapes, rocks, or creatures emerge from experimental procedures but give the precision of scientific illustrations.
Arnaud Desjardin purchased one of these very rare portfolios, drawn to it by the fact that it was damaged by a purple fungus which had been eating away at the paper. He saw a strange beauty given by the mould, adding to the original textures in true, surrealist style. He set about creating a 'new' work which is ‘Mouldy Modern’, featuring both the original Ernst plates and mould- in equal measure- to magical effect!
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09620873
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Silberprägung, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber
Faces of Feces is the title of the third issue out. This time we will explore the fascinating and deep original work of Finland's master mind Vilunki 3000. The Helsinki based artist shows us a small overview of his most inspiring and sought after works, which includes drawings, graphics, posters, ads and jokes. It can be called a small retrospect, and it's a perfect opportunity for those outside Finland to get familiar with his unique style. He has been a true inspiration for a whole decade in Finland, and we understand why.
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[60] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, ISBN/ISSN 09640973
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Silberprägung, in transparenter Kunststoffhülle mit beigelegtem Blatt, Aufkleber
HEROES II the second edition of the Heroes series, with new and till now unreleased drawings from the deep vaults of the Sex Tags drawing archive. This issue features some lost and found heroes from across the universe, mainly unkown till this day. The drawings are of course in the same caracteristic wonky style as last issue. So be prepared for some real eyeball action!
Text von der Webseite
Technische Angaben
[52] S., 13,5x9,5 cm, Auflage: 300, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Rückseite mit Metallfolienprägung
Issue 13 of BLAD, Bastards shows drawings by the Norwegian artist Johannes Høie. This booklet gives you a peak tour into the dark, dramatic, surrealistic and also sometimes comical world of Høie's universe of drawings. Executed in a beautifull classical virtouso hand style manner, this issue gives you a taste of his latest productions. Some of the drawings in this magazine are wall drawings and based on previous limited edition printed posters, specially selscted to fit into this issue of BLAD.
Text von der Webseite
To Express The Feelings Of A Chair When We Sit On It.
Technische Angaben
42x59 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
As a possible – perhaps – reaction to all those who love the comfort and permanence of the status of their position, I have gathered a series of unusual chairs, personas that are characterised by a sensitive nervous system. I believe their creators foresaw for the visitor not to forget and become complacent while seated, as would someone when sitting on any chair and shortly thereafter forgetting the very action of sitting. The visitor is called upon to reflect on the condition that the chair’s form presents them with. I would not argue that they are pleasant or comfortable to sit on, seeing as their construction does not allow the sitter to acquaint himself immediately. Note that the chair’s presence is not always obvious but it is implied, as for example in Mario Carbone’s photograph Donna in Osteria 1956. Different in style, they all meet in this exhibition to converse.
Text aus der Presseerklärung
ChicKs on Speed - It´s a project - Archive I
Technische Angaben
[228] S., 33x26 cm, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 9781861542656
Hardcover, Buchdeckel mit verschiednen Konturen gestanzt, innen verschiedene Blätter unterschiedlicher Größe - kein Beschnitt, teilweise zum Ausklappen. Zum Buch gehört ein bedruckter Stoffbeutel mit 5 Beilagen: farbig bedrucktes unisex-Kleid, Stoffmusterbogen für ein unisex Shift-Kleid, Plakat, Infoblatt und eine CD (Chicks on Speed: "Archive I")in weißer Papierhülle. 1 Flyer. Text weitgehend Eng
Bless your dress, you're out of style, you're a brainwash victim for a while (Chicks on Speed). »Chicks on Speed« sind ein Phänomen. Früh haben sie als Kunststudentinnen an der Münchner Akademie erkannt, dass dort ein althergebrachter Kunstbegriff gepflegt wird und dass eine Kunstindustrie Stars für eine Saison produziert und dann wieder vergisst und Selbstvermarktung in diesem Kontext zielführender ist als echte Qualität. Sie haben sich abgewandt und vollführen ihre subversiven Gesamtkunstwerke vor allem im Bereich der Musik. Durch die Hintertür betreten sie dann wieder die etablierte Kunstszene und schlagen sie mit ihren eigenen Waffen. Verstanden? Dieser Band verfolgt die »Chicks on Speed« anhand von zahlreichen Quellen, darunter Covers, Plakate, Texte u.v.m.
Text von der Website
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 21x14,8/ cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Dimanche skate co. is a London based brand born from the love for skateboarding, culture, design, and photography. It all started with a roll of film shot in London and New York at the start of 2014, these photos then went on to inspire the brand's original style aesthetic and products. All products are made in limited runs with a focus on quality and simplicity. The product line ranges from decks, t-shirts, rugby shirts and beanies to patches and photography.
Text von der Webseite
Igitte Nr. 078 2017 upgrude your Style - finde die Mitte deines Ichs
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,6x21 cm, Auflage: 50 - 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbfotokopien
Technische Angaben
[96] S., 19x12,5 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Some great and very very special words.
This book is my complete transcript of President Trump’s address to employees of the CIA the day after his inauguration. To keep in style, the text is cut into bits of 140 or fewer characters.
Text von der Website
Igitte Nr. 085 2018 März/April - magic Workout
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,6x21 cm, Auflage: 50 ca., keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbfotokopien
Inhalt Fashion & Style, Wellness & Workout, Love & Beziehung, Food & Lifestyle, Horrorskop.
Igitte Nr. 086 2018 April/Mai - Sind Streifen eigentlich noch angesagt? - Zebrasimse
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,6x21 cm, Auflage: 50 ca., keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbfotokopien
Inhalt Fashion & Style, Wellness & Workout, Love & Beziehung, Food & Lifestyle, Horrorskop.
Sutere Soven Musicfestival
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 21x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Suture means sewing. This is the idea we will be following on each and every level of our festival. Suture Soven Music Festival emerged out of the wish and the need to bring musicians and their audience together in a way that enhances deep listening and watching musical appearances that provide the potential for creating something new in a cheerful and caring atmosphere. We will watch and hear the beautifully radical positions and ideas of international musicians. In terms of musical style, we are situated at the intersection of jazz, free improvised music, classical modernism and new music.
The first Suture Soven Music Festival will take place in an old farm house in the countryside. the concerts will be held in the barn and in the attic of an old stable. By locating the genre defying music in the beautiful countryside of Lower Saxony (Wendland) we invite local people from the area as well as from the cities to make the connection between different worlds and points of views for three days in Suture Soven. We are striving to shape the surrounding area of the festival and make it as sustainable as possible, while working with local farmers and craftsmen. We offer a space and time that taps on an urge to create a sensual narrative. The music we listen to, the words we hear and speak, the food and drink we are provided with, in a setting that will be home to us for three summer days offer us the possibility of making sense.
Igitte Nr. 088 September / Oktober 2018 - Freeeibiiier!
Technische Angaben
[20] S., 29,6x21 cm, Auflage: 50 - 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farblaserkopien
Themen: Fashion & Style, Wellness & Workout, Love & Beziehung, Food & Lifestyle
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 020 aus der Reihe 100for10.
Adam Hayes is a specialist in hand-rendered typography and intricate, intelligent illustration. His prolific work style has generated an impressive portfolio that reflects an interest in vernacular lettering and a fascination with urban and natural landscapes. Adam’s creative process see’s his simple pencil sketches transformed and refined into elaborate and optimistic illustration. Each project is concept-driven, allowing his work to grow and maintain a sense of energy and sophistication. A graduate of the Royal College of Art, Adam has since established a diverse client base which welcomes collaboration with global companies, charitable organisations and small, local start-ups.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Schwarz-Weiß-Drucke, Nr. 042 aus der Reihe 100for10
Yury Ustsinau an artist, designer and illustrator residing in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Born in 1979 in Vitebsk, Belarus, the hometown of world-known artist Marc Chagall. Graduate from Vitebsk Technological University, with a degree in Product Design. He works as commercial illustrator and continues his passion for art in his private time. Much of his work is found in private collections an various pieces have been represented in galleries and art exhibitions. He has also success-fully participated in many competitions.
Starting off with traditional illustrations, Yury Ustsinau knew that he wanted to create his own special world. His first hands into a dialog. Subsequently special lighting was added, which allowed the forms to become more flexible. Yury has developed an amazing distinguished personal style where surrealism is rendered in black and white a unique glossy feel.
Text von der Webseite.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Lucas Benarroch, aka MRKA, treats his painting, collage and graphic design as an unquenchable obsession. His passion for precision can be seen throughout his work. His creations are versatile in both style and medium. MRKA was born and raised in Madrid. He moved to New York and attended Parsons The New School for Design. The transition to the United States has pumped his work ethic into overdrive. His work has been featured at galleries and exhibitions in Madrid, New York, Buenos Aires and Miami including Gallery 151, Wallplay, Museo Mar and Gregg Shienbaum Fine Art. His commercial work includes clients such as HBO, Pepsi and The Wutang Brand.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Patrick Hartl (*1976) is a German contemporary artist with a passion for handwriting and lettering. As of age 15, he was painting Graffiti and learning the ropes of art within the urban sphere. His graphic studies revealed a love for calligraphy and stylised writing with deep roots in the gothic script of his native Germany. Patrick Hartl connects old craftsmanship with modern street style. On closer inspection, Hartl’s seemingly monochrome works turn out to be the result of a multitude of layers of paint and a colourful diversity. His favourite canvas is a ten-years-old wall, which has been bombed, cleaned, bombed again, crashed, washed, damaged, but which always tells a new and unique story. As a master of handcrafted designs and analogue works, and one of the foremost urban calligraphers, Patrick Hartl has been involved in making art for more than two decades. An avid collaborator, Hartl belongs to the “CALLIGRAFFITI AMBASSADORS” and, in addition to exhibiting in traditional galleries from New York to Buenos Aires to Tokyo, and he has painted murals across Europe and beyond.
Technische Angaben
106 S., 21x14,8 cm, Auflage: Print on Demand, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
C100 is a creative studio working for global brands, small businesses and private projects. It is headed by Christian Hundertmark who founded the studio in 2003. Specialised in delivering inventive and precise visual solutions C100 Studio implements each project with enthusiasm, dedicated hands and a individual style which is evident in the diverse output. Over the years C100 Studio’s work was published in many books and magazines. French publishing house Pyramyd released an edition in their ‘Design & Designers’ book series. From 2007-2011 C100 Studio was European correspondent for Hong Kong based IdN design magazine.
MONO.KULTUR #36 Ricardo Bofill - The Future of the Past
Technische Angaben
48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
Drahtheftung, gedruckt auf verschiedenen Papieren
where to begin with an architect as over the top as Ricardo Bofill, notorious since the 1970s for his vast city-like housing estates that look like surreal experiments in crossbreeding desert caves with Star Wars. an architect who has designed over 1000 projects in the space of five decades, from perfume bottles to city plans, and pretty much everything in between. who has worked in a style – or a hundred styles – that is as unique as it is impossible to describe. who founded a leftist collective that would eventually end up building airport terminals. whose life reads somewhat like a fairytale itself, taking us from fascist Spain under Franco’s rule to the celebrity frenzy of our modern times, with the Bofill clan holding a somewhat unique position among Spanish tabloids? To add any more is to inevitably leave out too much. With mono.kultur, Ricardo Bofill talked about fifty years of architecture, the vagaries of ambition and how Modernism killed the city. Visually, the issue offers a disorienting journey of architectural splendour with plenty of previously unpublished images from the archives of Ricardo Bofill (as well as the odd film still of naked bodies). Using partial high gloss varnish throughout, it is a pleasing juxtaposition of the natural and the artificial, the intellectual and the sexual, the disciplined and the decadent.
Text von der Website.
Igitte Nr. 096 Jan/Feb/März 2020 - Future saving Modus
Technische Angaben
[24] S., 29,7x21 cm, Auflage: 50 - 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, Farbfotokopien
Zu den Themen Boris, Europa, Style, Schuhe, Essen, Fahrplan, Zahnarztpraxis, Horrorskop
Arte Postale! 100 - Klang! Blah! Bzzzoing! Szock!
Technische Angaben
36 S., 14,5x15 cm, Auflage: 100, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Drahtheftung, im Umschlag vorne 3 Booklets und 1 gefaltetes Poster (Klang! Suoni Contemporeani) in Einschubtasche, rückseitig eine selbstgebrannte und -gestempelte Multimedia CD, Heftseiten Schwarz-Weiss Kopien mit 4 eingeklebten Farbbildern, auf dem Cover das Klang! Logo ebenfalls aufgeklebt
ARTE POSTALE! (1979-2009)
One of the best known and probably the most long-live mail art magazine on the planet, Arte Postale! has assembled original works or published materials by hundreds of international networkers. The project is considered concluded with issue n.100 (december 2009).
Text von
When, just over twenty, I was assembling the first issue of the magazine Arte Postale!, joining with brass rings a dozen of sheets printed in one hundred copies on pink paper, I would never have imagined that thirty years later I would have been still busy putting together with scissors and glue the very same publication. Instead, this issue n. 100, intentionally produced in the homemade cut-and-paste style typical of mail art, even shares the musical theme with that first experiment, in which I already rubberstamped and glued leaflats on the pages or I stapled on them a piece of magnetic tape.
Introduction by Vittore Baroni
Issue no. 100 of Vittore Baroni's Arte Postale! magazine dedicated to the Klang! exhibition/sonic arts festival held in Viareggio, Italy, august 7-9 2009.
36 pp. booklet with attached cd-r, published in 100 copies (standard edition, in the AAP) plus 100 copies with additional plastic pouch including 30 original cd-size works by 30 artists (Joel S. Cohen, David Dellafiora, Mike Dickau, Carol Stetser, Ruggero Maggi, Emilio Morandi, Jan-Willem Doornenbal, Ever Arts, Luc Fierens, Richard Kostelanetz, Jurgen O. Olbrich, Gianni Simone, Rod Summers, Bruno Cassaglia, Ruggero Maggi, Serse Luigetti, etc.
Among them comes a CD mini-album by Jarmo Sermilä: Mechanical Partnership, a complimentary copy of the official Jase 2000 release - see Jarmo Sermilä - Mechanical Partnership.
Text von discogs Webseite
1. Mike Dickau - Arte Postale!: Pax Vobiscum (2’54”)
2. Günther Ruch - Musica 123456 (2’09”)
3. Reid Wood - Future Sound (0’27”)
4. Krell - Bzzzoing! (5’00”)
5. Franco Piri Focardi - Concerto Per Bozuffo (3’41”)
6. Jan Willem Doornenbal - Lake Crocodile (2’16”)
7. Bruno De Angelis - 100: Game Over! (4’ 30”)
8. Joel Cohen - Last Song Reverse (2’17”)
Tempo Totale | Total Time: 23’54”
Technische Angaben
[2] S., 10,4x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
In den städtischen Kunsträumen Artothek & Bildersaal, Rathausgalerie Kunsthalle und Kunstarkaden können Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungen von Münchner Künstler*innen und Designer*innen erworben werden. Der Unkostenbeitrag geht 1:1 an die Kunstschaffenden, die die Art Masks angefertigt haben.
In Interviews werden die beteiligten Künstler*innen und Designer*innen auf Instagram @artothek.muenchen vorgestellt.
Text von facebook
hart im raum / found footage memorabilia spule eins
Technische Angaben
688 S., 22,8x16 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-3-748158899
Hardcover, bezogener Pappband, cellophaniert, runder Rücken
Ein Buch ohne Folgerichtigen Inhalt. Eine schnelle filmische Bildfolge. Aber eine immer wieder sekundenschnell aufleuchtende eindeutige Sprach-, Sprech- & Schreiblandschaft. die Darstellung einer Autobiografie im Spiegel von Robert Lax, Magnus Hirschfeld, Billie Holiday, Herman de Vries, Sun Ra, Jackson Pollock, Joseph Beuys, Ernst Bloch, Jean Paul, Mynona, Ezra Pound, Marylin Monroe, John Cassavetes, John Cage & vielen anderen. Drehorte wie Kabul, Gavdos, Kairo, Mauthausen, Königsberg. Sachen & Sachverhalte wie Traum, Sprache/Schrift, Orgasmus, Inuit, Art Ensemble of Chicago, Hörspiel. Der Jazz hat von seinen ersten Anfängen mit Jelly Roll Morton bis zum konzessionslosen Freejazz einen zentralen Platz. eine Autobiografie mit den dramaturgischen Möglichkeiten eines found footage films.
Wo die Sprache denaturiert wird & es der Literatur die denaturierte Sprache verschlägt, hilft nur noch der dokumentarische Gestus. (Text von der BoD Buchshop Website)
Frontispiz: Die erste Seite der Abschrift von Joshida Kenkos "Tsurezuregusa" (1431), Schrift: Bookman Old Style
Zeugen unseres Wohngeschmacks - Ikea-Kataloge aus siebzig Jahren kann man jetzt online durchblättern
Technische Angaben
57,2x40 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zeitungsausriss aus Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 225 vom 29.09.2020, Feuilleton, HF2 Seite 11
Das IKEA Museum bietet jetzt alle Kataloge in digitaler Form an
Tod einer Ikone - Erst Fibel, dann Bibel
Technische Angaben
57,2x40 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Zeitungsausrisse aus Süddeutsche Zeitung Nr. 284 vom 08.12.2020, Wirtschaft, HF2 Seite 17 und Nr. 285 vom 09.12.2020, Feuilleton, Seite 11
Untertitel: Es gibt ihn seit 70 Jahren - nun lässt Ikea den Katalog auslaufen und Was der eingestellte Ikea-Katalog für die Wohnkultur in Europa bedeutet hat
Technische Angaben
[16] S., 36x26,2 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose ineinander gelegt
Beilage der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 27.03.2021, München
IKEA Katalog - Audio Book
Technische Angaben
keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
CD mit 14 Audiodateien
Die 70. Ausgabe des Ikea-Katalogs als Podcast. Über drei Stunden und 40 Minuten kann man sich die Angebote des schwedischen Möbelhauses aus dem aktuellsten Katalog auditiv vorstellen lassen (März 2021). 13 Kapitel á 15 Minuten, gesprochen von einer amerikanischen weiblichen Stimme.
It’s the same IKEA catalog you know and love, now as a handy, and hands-free, audiobook. Not only does this catalog save on paper, it’s also contactless, convenient, and filled with style inspiration and vivid product descriptions for your listening pleasure.
Die Entscheidung, das Kapitel „IKEA Katalog“ zu beenden, ist eine Folge des veränderten Medienkonsums und Verbraucherverhaltens. Wir werden die vielen Menschen künftig über neue Wege erreichen, mit ihnen interagieren und sie mit unseren Einrichtungslösungen inspirieren.
Die Audiodateiein sind auf der Webseite von IKEA nicht mehr zu finden
Technische Angaben
24 S., 20,9x14,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Heft mit Heftbindung
"Autos in Städten sind omnipräsent, schon alleine durch ihre Anzahl. Die meisten Logos gehören also ihnen. Sie sind nahezu unantastbar, eine Art Heiligtum, fette Brand Style Guides regeln das. Mike D legte das VW-Logo an seine goldene Kette, Autologos sind immer noch Trophäen. In CAN I BORROW YOUR LOGO? sind sie als Frottage, also in ihrer Originalgröße versammelt: ein Krieg der Sterne, Blitze, Wappen und simplen geometrischen Konturen. Die Frottage frisst jeden Bling-Bling und Markenschutz. Und darf behalten, was sie schluckt."
(Text übernommen von der Internetseite
Style & the Family Tunes Nr. 100 Januar Februar 2007
Technische Angaben
256 S., 28,5x21,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 16149580
mit beigelegtem Poster, Jubiläumsausgabe
INDIE, the independent Style Magazine No. 12
Technische Angaben
178 S., 28x23 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Technische Angaben
13x13 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
naivsuper Nr 008, Musik-CD in gefalteter Papphülle mit Beiblatt in transparenter Kunststoffhülle, cover art: Claudio Pfeifer
music by Christophe Bailleau and friends.
La Lude, La Sonde was composed for the performance ´La Sonde´ by Christophe Bailleau and Martine Viale. The performance was held at the city sonics festival 2006 (Mons, Belgium) and at Le festival d'avignon from July 10th to 20th 2006.
Martine Viale lives and works in Montreal, Canada. His work is mainly inspired by traditional Butoh dance. Mixed with his very own style his shows are a new and fresh vision in contemporary dance.
Each performance is a unique improvisation, since the body perceives it´s surrounding differently every time
attack delay magazine 001 Spring / Summer 2001
Technische Angaben
21x16,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
eingelegt ein Blatt mit lieferbaren Titeln bei EFA
Jim Avignon geb. 1968 in Schweden, Schulbusfahrer, danach Künstler.
Cartoon poet, speed painter and performance artist between cheap art and high-paying commercial work, regards himself as a storyteller and illustrator of modern times, expressing complex relationships with the simplest of means. Well observed and a little crazy Avignon crafts a gentle, visual critique of society, exposing everyday absurdities between business and lovesickness with an apt, sympathetic bite. "Attack Delay", a personal magazine in a book format, presents this hero of modern multitasking in his unmistakable technicolor cartoon style
Technische Angaben
[64] S., 21x13,8 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
From Magnum: "Between 2006 and 2008 Martin Parr documented the differences in beach culture between Latin American countries whilst traveling with his wife Susie. Her text accompanies the photos in the book. The book is printed to look purposely cheap, with noticeable imperfections, somewhat like a book you'd find in a 99 cent store, complete with offset colors and gaudy clip-art style graphics.
This book was not distributed in the United States
Technische Angaben
[84] S., 21x14 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 9780982055946
Christopher Russell's small-novel, Budget Decadence, uses a non-event-based style of fiction to explore commodity as an aspect of Middle American psychology. The book looks back to the J.K. Huysmans novel, A Rebours, and unfolds the deep psychological malaise of the nuclear family based on the various characters' understanding of, and interaction with, the curated collection of common objects that comprise each character's identity.
Text von der Webseite
Damage punk Club - Plakat
Technische Angaben
41,9x29,7 cm, Auflage: Unikat, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Blätter lose, Schwarz - Weiß Collage und Kopie von Collage
Plakat für den Damage Club, ein Ort der Münchner Punk-Szene der 1980er Jahre.