Technische Angaben
160 S., 20.5x13 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Broschur, Schwarz-weiß Drucke
Arriving in China, most visitors turn into illiterate fools the moment they step off the airplane. Surrounded by signs written in an incomprehensible code, messages meant to guide, to inform, to convince or to sell become little more than abstract pictures. The photographs in this book were produced by one such illiterate as he wandered through a world of signs oblivious to their meaning. Selected from the thousands of pictures made while traveling through China, these pictures reflect the author’s interest in the transformation of image to text and back again.
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Technische Angaben
36 S., 20,3x12,6 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
A tribute to the woman who wrote the best book on photography ever.
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Technische Angaben
40 S., 20,3x12,7 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
In April 21012, the French elected a new president. As usual, the election campaigns were highly personalized with portraits of candidates posted everywhere. Many of these were defaced, especially those advertising Marine Le Pen, leader of the ultra right wing party. From the reaction to these posters one would have expected the French to respond to the ambiguous slogan “Oui, la France” with a distinct “Non, merci.” Yet contrary to the seemingly unanimous rejection in the streets, in the polling booths almost 18% of voters said “yes.”
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Technische Angaben
40 S., 20,3x12,7 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Hardcover, Broschur
According to popular belief, there were no urinals in museums and art galleries before 1917. Allegedly, Marcel Duchamp was the first to introduce one of these useful objects into an exhibition space. Nearly a century later they are ubiquitous. Captured during a six month sojourn through Europe, this book presents a selection of the finest art museum urinals on the continent.
Published in 2012 as a contribution to ABCED, an ABC Artists’ Books Cooperative project in celebration of Ed Ruscha’s seventy-fifth birthday. The book was taken out of circulation on the occasion of Ed Ruscha’s seventy-sixth birthday on December 16th, 2013.
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Technische Angaben
80 S., 20,3x12,7 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Im Reich der Zeichen (In the Empire of Signs) presents a selection of the author’s photographs of graffiti, posters, and stickers left on walls in cities around the world. Here, even the walls have opinions, symbolizing the fightback for personal expression in a public space dominated by corporate and governmental signs.
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things are different here - uncollected observations of a restless traveller
Technische Angaben
[160] S., 20,3x12,7 cm, 2 Stück. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
... is a collection of observations made during years of traveling. Some of the things that are different here were observed by the book’s author himself, some of them were observed in other people’s descriptions of their own travels. The collection is a riddle composed of empirical facts, generalizations and popular assumptions, an encyclopedia of truisms that may be true here – whereever that might be – but not necessarily anywhere else.
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