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Gesucht wurde Oxford University Press, MEDIENART alle Medien, SORTIERUNG ID, aufsteigend  2 Treffer

 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -   VOLLTEXTSUCHE nach Oxford University Press


  • Without Copyrights - Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain
  • 384 S., 23,5x15,6 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780199927876
    Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag
  • Provides a thorough historical survey of the impact of U.S. copyright law on transatlantic modernist authors. Documents the growth and development across time of the American public domain, as shaped by the historically protectionist and formalistic U.S. copyright law. Gives fresh insights drawn from unpublished materials-letters by Joyce, John Quinn, Ezra Pound, Sylvia Beach, John M. Price, and others -and makes extensive use of hitherto unknown legal archives.
    This book tells the story of how the notoriously protectionist American copyright law impacted transatlantic modernism by encouraging the piracy of works published abroad. From its inception in 1790, U.S. copyright law withheld protection from foreign authors, creating an aggressive public domain that claimed works just as soon as they were published abroad. When Congress finally extended protection to foreign works, legal technicalities caused many authors to continue to lose their copyrights.
    Text von der Webseite


  • Reflections on Art. A source book of writings by artists, critics, & philosophers
Ort Land
  • 364 S., 20x13,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Broschur, ehem. Bibliotheksexemplar, Aufkleber am Rücken
  • 1. Auflage 1958, Johns Hopkins Press;
    "The purpose of this book is to bring together some of the many significant essays on art that have appeared within the last five or six decades, in widely scattered publications, and make them available to readers of English, especially readers who have no great library at their disposal. This is not an anthology intended to give students a survey of trends and schools in aesthetics; it does not offer representative statements of current views. It is a source book to serve independent study on the part of scholars and fairly advanced students in philosophy of art, and those excellent teachers of the arts -- of painting and sculpture, music, dance, literature, or whatever else -- who do their own thinking about basic principles." (Introduction)
Erworben bei Better World Books

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