Technische Angaben
10,4x7,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780955309298
Re-Writing Freud - 4 The Interpretation of Dreams
Technische Angaben
752 S., 19,8x12,6 cm, Auflage: 1.000, signiert, 2 Stück. ISBN/ISSN 0953676587
Softcover, Taschenbuch. Translated by a Lingo algorithm, programmed by Christine Morris
For this book work, Re-Writing Freud the artist Simon Morris has re-written Sigmund Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams. A computer programme (designed by Christine Morris) randomly selects words, one at a time from Freud’s 222,704 word text and begins to reconstruct the entire book, word by word, making a new book with the same words, every time the programme is re-started. This book is one instantiation of that process, scrupulously typeset according to the dimensions, fonts, chapter divisions and paragraph lengths of the 1976 Penguin paperback edition of Freud’s work, and printed on equivalent paper stocks.
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Historia Abscondita - An Index of Joy, Compiled from Friedrich Nietzsche's The Gay Science
Technische Angaben
17,5x10,5 cm, ISBN/ISSN 9780955309267
lose zusammengelegte Blätter in farbigem Umschlag
Reading the Remove of Literature
Technische Angaben
288 S., 23x15,3 cm, ISBN/ISSN 0955309212
Historico-Naturalis et Archiologica ex Dale Street
Technische Angaben
24 S., 14,7x13,8 cm, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-869979287
Technische Angaben
300 S., 19,8x12,8 cm, Auflage: 750, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468155
Inspired by Georges Perec’s musings on reading, which he likens to “a pigeon pecking at the ground in search of breadcrumbs”, Simon Morris’ latest book sets exactly those feral avians to work on the very surface of Perec’s celebrated text “Reading: A Sociophysiological Outline”. In the process he puts pressure on all of the terms in Perec’s title: what does it mean to engage a text physically — looking at print, flipping pages, processing language, vocalizing, responding — without any of the social practices or semantics we usually associate with “reading.” Or, to put this as Wittgenstein might: what activities still embody a grammar of reading even in the absence of what would seem to be its defining features.
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Getting Inside Simon Morris Head
Technische Angaben
324 S., 19,8x12,8 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468216
Softcover, Taschenbuch
Getting Inside Simon Morris’ Head is a performative retyping of Simon Morris’ conceptual bookwork Getting Inside Jack Kerouac’s Head. Like Morris’ original performance of retyping the scroll edition of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road, Joe Hale’s project first appeared as a blog. At the rate of one page per day, like Morris retyping Kerouac before him, Hale retyped Morris’ entire book and in doing so re-retraces Kerouac’s famous adventure. Morris gave us all of Kerouac’s pages in reverse order: each blog post presented one page and the default settings of the blog platform organised his posts in reverse order, from the newest to the oldest. Now inverted again, as a double negative, Hale has restored the direction of travel to the story and produced a wholly (un)original new text. This first printed edition takes the imitative gesture to a new extreme. It features an introductory essay by poet Kenneth Goldsmith and reuses Morris’ paratext. From the cover design to the choice of paper, Hale tests the limits of conceptual extension.
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Getting Inside Jack Kerouac's Head
Technische Angaben
324 S., 19,8x12,8 cm, Auflage: 500, signiert, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468025
Softcover, Taschenbuch
Morris’ new bookwork, Getting Inside Jack Kerouac’s Head, is a performative retyping of the recently published original scroll edition of Jack Kerouac’s beat classic, On the Road. Morris’ project first appeared as an ongoing journey through the book, read and re-typed on a WordPress blog one page per day. This newly published codex version pours the content of that performative retyping back into the format of the paperback source book. It follows the default logic of a blog archive to put the last post, page at the start and stores the rest of the entries in reverse order. In other words, whereas Kerouac traveled from the East coast to the West coast, Morris crosses America from West to East.
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Technische Angaben
176 S., 19,7x12,8 cm, Auflage: 500, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468032
The Perverse Library is the latest poetic bookwork from scholar, critic, and iam co-editor Craig Dworkin. The book comprises of a bibliography of Dworkin’s book shelves at home, a supplementary bibliography of absent and imagined books, and an accompanying essay arguing that libraries are in fact defined not by what they contain, but by what books they exclude or fail to include. The essay also investigates the histories of libraries, makes a theoretical argument about the relation of canons to architectural space, and explores the psychology of collecting — including the pathology of bibliomania.
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Technische Angaben
144 S., 30x22 cm, Auflage: 350, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-907468209
Broschur mit Klappeinband
The Nabokov Paper is an experiment in novel-reading. The project takes as its starting point a now famous class taught during the 1950s by Vladimir Nabokov at Cornell University, New York State, entitled Literature 311-312: Masters of European Fiction. Nabokov’s approach to teaching literary reading was notoriously idiosyncratic. Convinced that one must teach the books themselves, not ideas or generalities, Nabokov would make diagrams of the floor plans of fictional buildings, map the routes taken by characters through the spaces of the novel, and draw items of clothing or furniture, he would also propose to track the course of a single letter, offer a visual representation of a stylistic device, and uncover what he called the mysteries of literary structures. His methods are striking for the range of gestures they call for in the name of good reading. The published Lectures on Literature (New York: Harcourt, 1980) concludes with an appendix of sample exam questions. Responding to those questions some sixty years after the fact offers a means to explore what Nabokov’s take on how to read might have to teach us today: about the novel, about how reading works across practices and disciplines, and about the past, present and future forms of literary criticism.
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Technische Angaben
98,3x69 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Plakat, beidseitig bedruckt mit 15 Buchcovern und Rückseiten von Penguin oder Pelican Books Ausgaben
Sentences on Simon Morris
Technische Angaben
69x98,3 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Plakat, beidseitig bedruckt