The I.S.C.A. Quarterly Volume 14 Number 4 - 11th annual bookworks issue
Technische Angaben
21,8x24,8x6 cm, Auflage: 100, signiert, 86 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
Konvolut mit 17 Heften (Drahtheftung, geklammert, Fadenheftung, genäht), ein Bogen mit 42 Künstlerbiefmarken mit unterschiedlichen Motiven, 8 Einzelblätter, ein Papiertütchen mit Karten, 8 Leporellos/selbstgemachte Zines. Zwei eigene Konvolute: 8 Miniheften in transparenter Plastiktüte und Leporello in Papiertüte, mit Plastikklammern verschlossen und beklebt.
Alles nummeriert und meist signiert, teils beklebt, bestempelt, mit angeheftete Objekten o.a. Alles in beklebtem Karton.
The International Society of Copier Artists (I.S.C.A) was a non-profit group founded by Louise Neaderland in 1981, intended to promote the work of copier artists and to advocate for the recognition of copier art as a legitimate form. The group is best known for producing The I.S.C.A Quarterly as well as for coordinating exhibitions of xerographic artwork, and the distribution of "The I.S.C.A Newsletter". Women made up the majority of society's membership.
The I.S.C.A. Quarterly was published from 1982-2003. Typically, issues were produced in limited editions of 200 copies, with an average of 45 pages of original copier art supplied by I.S.C.A. members. Over the years the form of the Quarterly mutated from a collection of unbound pages to a spiral bound journal with an Annual Bookworks Edition composed of a box of books made by I.S.C.A. members. The work produced for the Quarterly ranged widely in focus from social and political issues to personal and emotional themes. The final issue (Volume 21, #4) was published in June 2003.
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